Top 15 science and technology clusters of 2024 globally
Recently, WIPO released the Global Innovation Index Top 100 Science & Technology Cluster Ranking, which provides an in-depth look at the most innovative science and technology clusters worldwide ahead of the full GII release.
This index ranks regions based on two key metrics: the number of patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the volume of scientific articles published by local researchers. By analyzing the concentration of inventors and scientific authors, the GII identifies the most influential clusters that are driving technological advancement.
Top 15 S&T clusters with the highest patent applicants and organizations
These clusters serve as the backbone for global innovation, supported by universities, companies, and research institutes. As the top two clusters account for almost 20% of the world’s PCT applications, this underscores their global influence in innovation.
Here is the ranking of the S&T clusters and their most outstanding patent applicants and organizations globally:
15. Nagoya (Japan)
Nagoya is a major innovation hub, filing 1,860 PCT patent applications and 2,290 scientific articles per million inhabitants. Denso leads the patent filings, while Nagoya University contributes the most research with 7,457 published articles.
14. Hangzhou (China)
With 1,570 PCT patent applications and 10,104 scientific articles per million people, Hangzhou stands out with Alibaba Group leading the patent filings, while Zhejiang University drives research output with 34,539 published articles.
13. Wuhan (China)
Wuhan produces 851 PCT patent applications and 11,655 scientific articles per million inhabitants. Wuhan University leads in research, publishing 20,432 articles, while Wuhan China Star Optoelectronics dominates patent filings. This cluster collaborates heavily with Beijing and Shanghai.
12. Paris (France)
Paris demonstrates strong innovation activity with 1,394 PCT patent applications and 5,523 scientific articles. L'Oréal is the top patent applicant, while Sorbonne Université leads in research output.
11. New York City, NY (USA)
New York City filed 864 PCT patent applications and published 4,693 scientific articles per million inhabitants. IBM is the top patent applicant with 812 filings, while Columbia University leads the research output. Collaboration is key here, with 38% of patents filed jointly with other clusters like Boston and San Francisco.
10. San Diego, CA (USA)
San Diego makes a strong impact, producing 6,279 PCT patent applications and 5,189 scientific articles per million people. Qualcomm is the dominant player, accounting for 63% of the patent filings, while University of California, San Diego leads research efforts with 11,861 published articles.
9. Nanjing (China)
Nanjing contributes significantly with 907 PCT patent applications and an impressive 14,499 scientific articles per million inhabitants. Southeast University leads both patent filings and research output, publishing 17,286 articles. Collaboration plays a significant role, especially with clusters in Shanghai and Beijing.
8. Boston–Cambridge, MA (USA)
A leading American innovation cluster, Boston–Cambridge produces 4,462 PCT patent applications and 17,934 scientific articles per million people. MIT dominates both patents and publications, with 900 patent applications and 10,631 articles. Collaboration is key, with 29% of patents co-filed with inventors from regions like San Francisco and New York.
7. Osaka–Kobe–Kyoto (Japan)
This Japanese cluster filled 2,435 PCT patent applications and publishing 3,341 scientific articles per million people. Murata Manufacturing is the top patent applicant with 3,999 filings, while Kyoto University leads academic output with 12,226 published articles.
6. San Jose–San Francisco, CA (USA)
As a global tech hub, San Jose–San Francisco stands out with 7,885 PCT patent applications and 9,211 scientific articles per million people. Google leads the patent filings, with 3,732 applications, while Stanford University dominates research, publishing 16,499 articles. This cluster's strength lies in its extensive collaboration, with 23% of patents filed jointly with other regions like Boston and Beijing.
5. Shanghai–Suzhou (China)
Shanghai–Suzhou produced 885 patent applications and 4,368 scientific articles per million people. Suzhou University leads patent filings, while Shanghai Jiao Tong University dominates research. Partnerships with Beijing and San Francisco bolster this cluster's growth
4. Seoul (Republic of Korea)
Seoul continues to shine with 2,542 PCT applications and 5,320 scientific articles. Samsung Electronics leads in patent filings, while Seoul National University contributes the most research. The city's collaborative efforts with regions like Daejeon and Daegu play a big part in its success.
3. Beijing (China)
Beijing, a global leader in innovation, filed 2,189 patents and published 15,893 scientific articles per million inhabitants. BOE Technology leads patent filings, while Tsinghua University heads research efforts. Beijing’s strong ties with clusters like Shenzhen and Shanghai reinforce its dominant role in science and tech.
2. Shenzhen–Hong Kong–Guangzhou (China and Hong Kong)
This dynamic cluster ranks second globally, producing 2,303 PCT patent applications and 3,469 scientific articles per million people. Huawei is the top patent filer, while Sun Yat-Sen University drives research. Impressively, 65% of scientific publications are collaborative, connecting with Beijing and Shanghai, showing how interregional partnerships boost innovation.
1. Tokyo–Yokohama (Japan)
Tokyo–Yokohama is the world's leading innovation hub, with 3,712 PCT patent applications and 3,231 scientific articles per million residents. Mitsubishi Electric leads the patent filings, while the University of Tokyo dominates research output. Collaboration is key here, with partnerships across regions like Osaka and Beijing, making Tokyo–Yokohama a powerhouse of innovation.
How developing regions are changing the innovation landscape
Emerging innovation hubs
Beyond the top 15 clusters, emerging innovation hubs are making significant strides. Nanchang (94th), Cairo (95th), Kunming (98th), and Macao SAR–Zhuhai (100th) highlight the increasing role of developing regions in global innovation.
Cairo: North Africa’s first top 100 cluster
Cairo’s entry into the top 100 marks the first time a Northern African cluster has been represented, with Cairo University driving scientific research growth.
China’s continued growth in innovation
Similarly, Kunming and Macao SAR–Zhuhai (China) are new entrants to the rankings, reflecting China’s continued dominance in global innovation.
Interestingly, clusters within China continue to show rapid growth, with Hefei and Zhengzhou being the fastest-growing clusters globally. Hefei’s 22,7% growth, in particular, has been driven by ChangXin Memory Technologies, reflecting China’s dominance in the semiconductor industry.
Middle-income economies on the rise
Middle-income economies are making remarkable progress. São Paulo (Brazil) and Istanbul (Turkey) are gaining ground, largely due to their increased volume of patent filings and scientific articles.
Challenges for high-income economies
While high-income economies, such as those in North America and Europe, remain major innovation hubs, the GII notes that their clusters grew at a slower pace compared to those in middle-income economies. However, clusters like Cambridge (UK) and San Jose–San Francisco (USA) stand out for their high S&T intensity, leading in patent filings and research output per capita.
Importance of patent maintenance in innovation clusters
The 2024 Global Innovation Index shows that innovation is concentrated in key global clusters, with Asia, Europe, and North America leading the way. As patent filings and scientific output increase in these regions, patent maintenance becomes more critical than ever.
Effective IP renewal services are essential to prevent patents from lapsing, expiring prematurely, or facing unnecessary legal challenges, especially in high-output regions. helps patent holders automate the IP annuity process and focus on innovation while helping to save up to 50% on annual IP renewal costs. Check out our solution to learn more about how we can help you with transparent patent maintenance.